Male Grooming

Male Grooming or Manscaping has become more and more popular over the years. Gone are the days of it being a ‘Taboo’ topic of conversation, nowadays it’s what everyone is talking about. If there is hair tickling your nose, creeping out of your ears or anywhere down below that’s got to go, no problem it can now be easily waxed away.

Typical areas for waxing are Ears, Face, Neck, Chest, Abs, Arms, Hands, Finger, Under Arms, Legs, Toes, Back, ‘Sack’-Scrotum, ‘Crack’-Anus, Pubic Area, Penis, ‘Butt’-Buttock Cheeks, and the Perineum.

What happens in a typical waxing treatment:

A consultation is carried out to check that there are no contraindications, this is to find out if you are allergic to anything or have any medical issues. You are then asked to use the body wipes to freshen up. Once that is done you then removed the clothing from that area and are required to lay on the bed with a towel covering the area that is going to be waxed. The therapist will leave the room while you get ready. Once ready the therapist will re-enter the room and apply a cleanser to the already clean area, this is to disinfect the area.

The Wax:

All wax is heated therefore warm or hot, hot wax is used on the more delicate parts of the body such as the face and intimate areas. Using a spatula this is thickly but gently applied to the skin and left to set, once it is set it is taken off in one piece. Whereas strip wax is used on all the other less sensitive areas of the body. Strip wax is applied using either a spatula or a roller, applying the wax thinly to the skin a paper strip is then placed over the area and removed quickly taking the hair with it.

Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity/ LGBTQIA+: is a personal thing and is part of your private life. However, when booking a waxing treatment, that treatment will need to be what corresponds with what body part you have in the area you wished to be waxed. This is because different areas on the body take a different amount of time to be waxed.


Always keep a high level of hygiene before attending your waxing appointment. This will not only make the experience more pleasant for both you and your therapist but also help to lower the risk of infection. If the therapist has placed fresh wipes on the bed for you to use, ‘Use Them’, even if you have just had a shower before leaving the house is it always advised to freshen up before starting the waxing treatment. Sweat, fluff and roaming hairs can all create a barrier to the perfect waxing experience.

Please try to exfoliate the areas that is due to be waxed at least 24 hours before the appointment. This helps to remove any dead skin tissue, ‘desquamated skin ‘and leaves the area ready for a smoother wax, it also helps to prevent ingrowing hairs.

DO NO SHAVE before the treatment, please leave the hair to grow for at least 2 weeks before it is due to be waxed. The hair will need to be at least 3 millimetres long for the wax to be able to take hold of. Any shorter and you may not get the waxing results you wish for. If you haven’t ever tackled that area yet, then do not worry. If the hair is too long, then it may pull a bit when applying the wax but that is fine. A little trim would be advised just so each area is fully visible but not to worry if there isn’t time.


After waxing your skin may have reddened ‘Erythema ‘and be sensitive to touch. This is normal because the hairs have just been taken from their home. Once your treatment is completed after wax oil will be applied before you leave. This contains anti-inflammatory properties to help soothe and relive irritated skin. The skin usually returns to normal within a few hours but for more sensitive skin types it can take 24-48 hours. If you are concerned then you can apply topical products that contain antiseptic properties such as Tea-Tree, Lavender Oil, Savlon, Sudocrean and Germolene.

*Try to keep the freshly waxed area as clean as possible.

*Do not use heavily fragranced products.

*Try not to increase blood flow to the waxed area this includes exercise, hot showers, swimming, and saunas.

*Avoid touching or contact with the area for as long as possible.

*Where loose fitting clothing over the waxed area so that it can breathe, and no friction is caused.

*For best results have regular waxing every 3 weeks to begin with then every 4-6 weeks after.

Here at Urban Soul, Male Grooming refers to intimate waxing and keeping hair under control by waxing or plucking to remove these unwanted hairs.

Wherever you go these treatments can be called many different things, so too ease confusion, below is a guide that explains each area clearly.

Manzilian-Male Intimate Waxing:

In this waxing treatment hair will be removed from the Mons Pubis area which is the V-section just below the stomach line but just above the Penis, the Penis, the Scrotum, and the Perineum.

Full Monty- Male Intimate Waxing:

In this waxing treatment hair is removed from the Groin area and the Buttocks. This includes the Mons Pubis area which is the V-section just below the stomach line but just above the Penis, the Penis, the Scrotum, the Perineum, the Anus, and the Buttock Cheeks.

Back, Sack and Crack- Male Intimate Waxing:

In this waxing treatment hair is removed from the whole of the Groin area and the Back. This includes the Mons Pubis area which is the V-section just below the stomach line but just above the Penis, the Penis, the Scrotum, the Perineum, the Anus, the Buttock Cheeks and the whole of the Back, Neck, and Shoulder area.

Sara Kelly-smith

Urban Soul is a Vegan friendly beauty therapy room offering a range of treatments. Based within Hamilton House in Stokes Croft, Bristol City Centre.

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