Our Story
The journey began when founder Sara’s daughter started suffering from Eczema and Asthma. Eventually diagnosed with severe allergies, it emerged that Mia was extremely sensitive to a range of foods and other products.
As a Mum worried about Mia’s wellbeing, and about the cocktail of chemicals we all consume daily, Sara began a quest for safe and healthy products.
Both for Mia, and for everyone else.
After months of searching and frustrated with the lack of healthy treatments on the market, Sara left behind her career in Luxury Beauty Salons and 4-star Hotels.
She followed her dream to start her own business where Natural, Vegan and Cruelty free products are the norm.
Urban Soul was born.
Urban Soul is passionate about creating a stress-free environment where your cares melt away.
A skilled and mindful communicator, Sara’s bubbly manner will put you at ease straight away, leaving you to focus on being able to relax and unwind.
Gentle for Us
Cruelty-free products are generally better for your skin and less toxic. This is because most conventional skin care products contain toxins and harsh chemicals, the majority of which you may not even be aware of. Your skin is the body's largest organ, and if a product harms your skin, you can bet it will impact your overall health. By choosing vegan and cruelty-free skincare, you choose skincare with all-natural ingredients, which are less likely to experience lower side effects and harm you.
Kinder to Everyone
Animal testing for skin care products is cruel, and if for no other reason, not hurting animals is enough motivation to avoid cruel skincare brands. Aside from being subjected to cruel practices that include torture and death, these animals are restricted to small cages and kept in horrible conditions. There is no such thing as painless animal testing, so don't believe it. These animals are subjected to significant distress and trauma throughout their lives, and no animal deserves to live in such fear and suffering.
Safer for Our Environment
Everyone who cares about the environment has been there. You've just bought the most expensive new face peel, a bath soak, hair mask, or another beauty treat, only to discover that it leaves your skin aching and itchy. The harsher, lab-derived ingredients used to make non-vegan beauty products could be the culprit.
When you use botanically sourced beauty, you're putting organic ingredients on your skin. As a result, you're less likely to experience the severe reaction that some people with sensitive skin can experience when using harsh, chemical skincare products, which implies less product waste. Because the chemicals in skin care can take a long time to biodegrade, keeping them out of the waste stream is essential for more sustainable beauty.
Benefits of Using Vegan and Cruelty-Free Products. Vegan Beauty Products Are Higher in Nutrients. Plants contain the most vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. Because vegan beauty products are made from plants, you can provide your skin with the fuel it requires to stay vibrant and youthful. Instead of rubbing harsh chemicals onto your skin, which can hasten the ageing process, opt for natural, healthy ingredients.
Vegan Products Are Better for Your Whole Body.
Because our skin is the largest organ in our bodies, we must be cautious about what we put on it. When we eat and drink, chemicals and toxins are filtered through the liver and kidneys before they can cause significant harm. The frightening fact about our skin is that whatever we put on it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream and circulates freely throughout the body.
The condition of your skin can reflect how your internal organs are feeling. Although it may not seem like much, switching to beauty products that only contain natural ingredients can help you look and feel better from the inside out.
They are Beneficial to Your Health
Our skin absorbs 60% of what we put on it. As a result, any product you use on it is absorbed into your body. Fortunately, vegan beauty products are not only eco-friendly but also beneficial to your skin and the environment. This is primarily since they are chemical-free.
As a result, you won't have to worry about skincare-related health issues like rashes or skin cancer. Vegan beauty products often have a shortened ingredient list because they only contain natural ingredients. The list will help you understand what you're putting on your face, body, and hair.